Elley Duhé’s debut single ‘immortal’ is intense. There’s just so much to take in, from the cutting social commentary, a vocal delivery which will almost certainly catch you off guard, and an unrelenting darkness via the trap-heavy production assisted by Tane Runo, J.Hill, and Tarro. It’s potently hip-hop influenced with vibracious beatwork and Duhé’s easy use of slang, gunshot imitations and affronting attitude. She’s clearly an artist who knows her strength, and while rapping is probably in her skill set, singing her powerful lines adds melodic relief to a mostly rhythm-led track, which also has the effect of lifting up her overall message. It’s not about aggression or all-consuming darkness, but as the Alabama artist divulges, “it’s about never dying mentally, and about human resiliency, loyalty, pushing through life’s darkest moments and emerging with even more strength than you had before.” If you’re looking for a little self-belief right now, then key in to Elley Duhé’s message. - HT
